by Giovanni Fabbris | May 31, 2023 | Films about art
Inès Toharia (Spain) Duration: 1 59′ 25″ Why are we still able to watch moving images captured over 125 years ago? As we move ever further into the digital age, our audiovisual heritage seems to be taken increasingly for granted. However, much of our...
by Giovanni Fabbris | May 31, 2023 | Films about art
Amaury Voslion (France) Duration: 52′ 00″ To see the Frank Sorbier studio through the eyes of Amaury Voslion is to step into the private world of France’s only Grand Couturier and Master of Art. It is here that the eternal free spirit of Haute-Couture and...
by Giovanni Fabbris | May 31, 2023 | Films about art
Heimo Aga (Austria) Duration: 26′ 55″ I was always interested in the contemporary art scene and visited every Biennale and documenta since the earfly nineties. Fascinating to see how the art itself and the economy and system around it developed over the...
by Giovanni Fabbris | May 31, 2023 | Films about art
Killian Dellers (Switzerland) Duration: 6′ 00″ The picture was taken with an analog Normal 8 camera. After development, it was not cut lengthwise. Now you can see two film images on top of each other, left side up and right side down. As an artist, I seek...
by Giovanni Fabbris | May 31, 2023 | Films about art
Carla Forte (United States) Duration: 1 22′ 00″ MIKI MANIAC follows Miki and his friends as they grapple with reality after being cast away from a world of magic and unfulfilled dreams. Now depressed and stuck somewhere in South Florida, the trio looks...
by Giovanni Fabbris | May 31, 2023 | Films about art
Mara Petrosino (Italy) Duration: 32′ 06″ The documentary focuses on the artist Antonio Violetta at work in his studio while he models clay or puts the finishing touches to his works or while he explains the meaning and the poetic concept of his art. It...