by Giovanni Fabbris | May 31, 2023 | Animation movies
Chaerin Im (South Korea) Duration: 6′ 15″ Exploration of masculinity begins with the Minotaur, a mythical creature Picasso used to portray himself in his etching print series. The Minotaur goes through a violent struggle between being male and female....
by Giovanni Fabbris | May 31, 2023 | Animation movies
Lea Vucko (Slovenia) Duration: 13′ 35″ A hunter heads out to the mountains to mend his broken heart. On his way, he can’t escape the visions of his lover who left him. As he loses his mind, his dark side comes to life. The shadow guides him to hunt the...
by Giovanni Fabbris | May 31, 2023 | Animation movies
Simone Massi (Italy) Duration: 5′ 00″ A world without war is another utopia that we cannot wait any longer View...
by Giovanni Fabbris | May 31, 2023 | Animation movies
Martin Gerigk (Germany) Duration: 10′ 00″ Walt Whitman is one of the most important poets in American literature. His main work, Leaves of Grass, was written over a period of forty years, and describes human nature, society, and the natural world, both...
by Giovanni Fabbris | May 31, 2023 | Animation movies
Atsuhiko Watanabe (France) Duration: 10′ 57″ Sadness, despair and emptiness before the sudden death of a beloved soul. These emotions are transfigured into an infinite dance of shadows and colors. A luminous space open to a death drive. As if the world...
by Giovanni Fabbris | May 31, 2023 | Animation movies
Thorsten Fleisch (Germany) Duration: 6′ 23″ “Astrogolem” is a film about a love triangle set in a fantastical world where science and the supernatural collide. The story follows the brilliant inventor, Nikola Tesla, as he and Alan Turing...